Today I found the energy and, with help from my dh for lifting three huge bags of dirt, planted some low-water flowering plants in a dry spot in the front yard, sloping land, near the street. In this part of the country, this is a good time to plant, because they get a chance to get well started before the extreme heat comes back sometime in late Spring. There will be little feathery purple flowers on one, apple red petals on the other, and they should spread out well and cover the area I need covered.
I love gardening (I ended up soaking wet, filthy, and with mud on my face, woo hoo!) but I have to really be careful because it's so easy to overdo it. I'm really tired now, but didn't hurt myself, and it cheers me up to think about the flowers, plus they will be very easy care, which is a priority for later. The neighbor's incompetent gardeners that come once a week to blow leaves around, cut back my big pretty rosemary, and it's dying and will have to be removed, as well as my mature lovely pink geraniums. Neither does well after being weed-wacked, but we've enjoyed them for several years, and I'm making progress in cleaning up that area. I really enjoy all my gardening results, but doing it isn't as easy as it used to be. B*B, Ysabeau
I really enjoy all my gardening results, but doing it isn't as easy as it used to be. B*B, Ysabeau