I is for I, simple and complex me, myself, and I
Iris, the colors and textures are really so fascinating, I participated in a quilt block swap of appliqued irises, and each person showed a different perception of them - also goddess of the rainbow, and looking at all the colors in my photos of them, that's appropriate
Ideas, my head is stuffed with them, some good, some, well.... debatable
Ink for writing, drawing, painting, stamping
Ice, really popular with everyone in the Summertime! It's 100 right now, more ice please! Ice tea, Ice cream, Ice coffee...
Ivy, ancient symbol of healing, reincarnation, growth
Illusions, trying to keep the good ones is a challenge
Indigo, one of my favorite watercolors to experiment with, and perhaps more flexible than black for showing tones and shadows, I did some figure studies that were satisfyingly expressive in indigo
Ill, I hate to be ill and I'm a lousy patient, always think I should be "all better right Now!" but the fact is, maybe I'm not... but every day I'm better and better
Isis, a very ancient goddess of protection, healing, mercy - spreading her wings over us
Intelligence, I have survived and thrived in difficult circumstances mostly due to the fortune of having a high level of intelligence, which has helped me to adapt, learn, and grow in the face of overwhelming odds in my environment
Irridescence, chatoyancy, that elusive quality of shimmer like scales on a fish, surface of moving water, subtle, but that makes me want to look again
Igloo, have you ever wanted to go live in one, when it's really hot in the Summertime?
Ignorance, which is NOT bliss, not by a long shot, and which causes a lot of the trouble in the world
Igor, (not eeegor, of course)
Ok, out of I's but of course, I'll think of five more the minute I hit send!
B*B, Ysabeau
Great I list! I love irridescence as well. I managed to get a great photo of my brook this spring that captured a bit of it...and of course I think of butterfly wings, and mother of pearl in the shell...
ReplyDeleteThanks for a great post!