Herbs, I grow rosemary, French tarragon, lavender, chocolate mint, thyme, cilantro...
Hands, busy doing so much that I want them to do
Hollyhocks, I grow them every year, pink, white, fuschia, red, and all variegated and mixed, wonderful old fashioned flowers
Headaches, I get migraines, but not as often as I used to, and not as badly, either. I do have one right now, lasts several days, but milder than it could have been
Heart, as in willingness to keep on trying in spite of obstacles, also had a bad heart murmur when I was born, now it is just loud but no physical problems any more, guess I grew out of most of it
Hiccups, I used to get them pretty badly, sounded like a dying chicken or something, my mom said that I used to get them before I was even born
Hobbies, I tend to learn to make all kinds of things, and make stuff with my hands, especially anything to do with color
Harmony, I tend to see things in terms of balance and harmony, and love to listen to all kinds of vocal harmonies, from the Carter Family through gospel, blues, folk, jazz... and strive for harmony in my relationships
Healing, health, and a healthy mental attitude are all a big focus in my life right now, healing from three surgeries, dealing with health issues like diabetes and arthritis as well as old injuries, and overcoming anxiety and depression on a daily basis
Home, I love to spend time on my home, fixing it up, gardening, making food or seasonal decorations, even cleaning when I'm in the right mood, all towards making it a wonderful place to share with my dear, wonderful husband, and to enjoy myself, and I'm sad that I can't do as much as I used to in that direction, but try to take it in small steps. I'd rather spend time here, with it fixed up as well as possible, than go on a big trip somewhere else, does that make me a Hermit? I hope not
Haven Hearth, the name we gave our home with a hand painted sign on the mantle
Hope, there's always hope and I really think that I've developed a talent for finding it, and can usually find silver linings around even the darkest clouds, even if they are a little bit tarnished
Higgledy-piggledy, technical term for the condition my studio is in
Hallowe'en, or Samhain, always was my favorite holiday, I loved dressing up and going trick or treating, the last year I went I was 19 and in college, using my younger siblings as an excuse, er, I mean REASon to go
Hair, I used to wear mine really long, down to my knees, but I'm not really sure why it seemed so important to me at the time, just vain I guess
Himalayas, one of many places I visit online in photos, but will never go to
B*B, Ysabeau
Herbs!! I can;t believe I left off HERBS!!!!
ReplyDeleteDiana, *Smacking my forehead*