Monday, January 08, 2007

Creativity in the Patio!

I took this photo (and a bunch of others!) on our trip to La Jolla last week, and painted outdoors, and had a wonderful visit with my nice brother and sister in law, and spent time with my husband that I truly enjoyed, but... I got really chilled while we were at the beach, I ate restaurant food that really disagreed with me, and I'm STILL recovering a bit from my fun.
I know a lot of my artistic friends and teachers advocate painting on site, but I always seem to be a bit wiped out from the experience. A more practical approach seems to be to take a lot of pictures, pay attention to how everything looks and feels to me while I'm there, and remember as much as I can from observing, and doing the painting part of it at home. I have a wonderful walled and shaded patio, with hummingbirds, flowers, and now it has outdoor speakers (Yule present from my husband!) so it's hard to beat for inspiration and comfort.
I enjoy painting "en pleine aire" or at the location, but I burn, freeze, have stuff blow over, need to have basic facilities that don't always exist, and pay for it later physically, so a lot of the time I'm just better off and more able to be creative if I do some or most of it right at home. B*B, Ysabeau


  1. In my opinion, the most important thing is that you are painting. You have enough imagination and sense of "spirit of place" to convey that in your painting of a location, whether the actual painting is done onsite, or in the back of a pick up truck :-}

  2. Hey Diana - painting in the back of a truck sounds like fun! TeeHee. Sorry I've not stopped back recently - too many holiday chores/family/work/life-stuff. I love seeing your new work, but you have a great eye, completely evident in your photos!

    What kind of camera do you use? The spray even felt color just looking at it!
