I want to clean the house, and keep it that way all the time.
I want to prepare all the meals for us.
I want to run all the errands and do the shopping.
I want to organize the garage and move things around as needed.
I want to grow pretty flowers and fresh herbs, and do necessary gardening for upkeep of the yard.
I want to be able to go places and to do things with my husband, and with friends. I want to feel like I can go to the beach, and go swimming in the ocean, or go to museums and gardens and walk all over them and take photographs.
I want to make quilts for our beds, make gifts for special occasions, and make some blankets and such for donation.
I want to take classes in art at the local college, and keep on learning and doing new things, and keep my supplies organized so I can find things when I need them!
Plus, I want to do a lot of things that I haven't even thought of yet! So, thinking about what is the most important to do FIRST, is really important. That's my job right now.
I feel ya sistah :-} I have to confess I avoid thinking about what I want to do, as it tends to depress me. I get so caught up in what i feel I need to do that I forget that I also need to do enjoyable things.