Sunday, June 11, 2006

F is for...

Friends, some come and go, others come and stay, but all give something wonderful and share a unique part of my life

Findlater, my last name, from Scotland, castle "fin de la terre", corrupted over time. Dh's grandparents immigrated to Montana and had a sheep ranch

Finesse, a way of approaching challenges in my life, right along with Panache, I hope

Fortunate, I feel like I've been fortunate in many ways, meeting wonderful people, at key moments in my life, really

Feelings, no, not an old song, but something about myself that I sometimes have real difficulty keeping in proper perspective, without blocking them or hiding from them

Freedom, so amazing to finally have so much freedom of thought, free time, and free choices that I never had before

Foolishness, I try not to lose my sense of humor, and play often to stay healthy and happy, and highly recommend some silliness as regularly as a daily vitamin

Food, I had three stomach surgeries, and now food and what I do/don't, can/can't, should/shouldn't eat is a daily challenge

Fulfilled, I sometimes have a feeling that I am doing what I need to do, when I need to do it, and that seems fulfilling at a very deep level

Foreshortening, very challenging to draw especially if it's a Figure drawing, I know "how" but the actual doing of it really isn't easy for me

France, a place I always wanted to visit, but probably never will. I took five years of French in HS & college, very out of practice, but really had hoped to go and be a silly tourist there (but I have been to San Francisco, which was almost as good, and had Fun there!)

Flowers, so much more important to me than I ever expected. There's just something so rich and decadent about taking little scissors and just going outside to look at them, and maybe cut something to bring indoors

Fresh, the herbs I grow, the flowers blooming outside, and the breeze this afternoon from the direction of the ocean a few miles away

Frankincense, an old incense resin that smells wonderful slowly burned

Fantasia, built out of the fabric of imagination

Fish, I need to eat more fish with Omega 3 Fatty Acids, but not Fried, unfortunately

Future, challenges and all, it's so bright sometimes "I've gotta wear shades"

Finished, I probably have enough "F's" here, although I seem to always think of things I should have said much later... but I don't want to go on Forever! B*B, Ysabeau

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