This is a rant. They don't call when they aren't coming, come when you aren't expecting them, do whatever they want to, and if you give directions to the "leader", he probably won't tell the others so you have to do it all over again when you find them doing it wrong. They don't have common sense, when cutting materials, they drop sharp metal pieces in the grass that will become projectile weaponry when you mow it, and if you ask, they tell you it was too much trouble to drop it in the trash. They don't close the doors after them, over and over, so you get to air condition the outdoors in 100 degree heat, plus you get to chase the family pets around the neighborhood.
They wash out their paint buckets and dump the water on your fast dying lawn, so you have odd pale purple patches, tromp around with paint and concrete on their shoes, and they vent their compressors rusty steam either on your cement patio floor, or use it to kill your hollyhocks. They promise deadlines they have no intention of keeping, then say you heard wrong, or blame the city inspector, the plumber who didn't return their calls, and/or their suppliers.
They leave large sharp machinery in your side yard for weeks after that part of the job is finished, and show no interest in retreiving it, since somebody went on vacation. In Las Vegas. They leave paint buckets on new light colored tile so the condensation causes rusty circles on new tiles, then when you move the buckets and point out the problem, when you come back, they have carefully repositioned the buckets to hide the rings.
They thump and bang, and smell, and borrow things without asking, like using your small shop vac to pick up wet concrete bits, coating the insides of your machine with concrete, and wiping up on your good towels... doesn't come out. You give them huge amounts of money, then have to remind them, follow up on them, and make them do what they said they would... and after they are paid, they get very slow about finishing the work.
Then they have the NERVE to ask when you want some more work done!!!!! aaarrgh!
I'll join you in that chorus of primal screams! AAARRRRRGH!!!!!!!!