Leora, that's me! Named for my grandmother, an old family name that goes back to Helen (Light), and a very popular girls name in Israel, meaning approximately "my light"
Libraries, favorite places to "be" for me, all my life
Lima beans, I love baby green limas, and butter beans... and my lima bean soup is wonderful
Lemur, aren't their eyes fascinating?
Leo, my sun sign is in 3 degrees of Leo, with Libra rising, moon in Gemini
Languages fascinate me, and I had a little Latin, German, some more Spanish, and French in school, and enjoyed the windows into other cultures that brought
Lyre is a type of harp, always looked so pretty and interesting
Lists, I'm a sucker for lists, can't you tell?
Lotus, so much beauty and fragrance coming up out of darkness and muck
Lint, what I've got in MY pocketses, precious!
Llama, an obscure Monty Python reference that I couldn't resist adding (also, the Larch!)
Lunar for the Moon, a big influence for all women
Lorien, the name of my baby daughter who lived one day, but was a big influence on my life
Licking, that would be my dog's worst habit, she likes to sneak up on me and lick my face to make me giggle
Limitations are so hard for me, I keep pushing my limits because I somehow feel like if I just keep going I can do anything I have to... but that's not always the BEST thing to do
Landing - on my feet, like a cat!
Links to friends, to community, to learning from the past to make a better future
Llewellyn - lot's of "L"s! and fun to say
Laura, a song, a movie, and what people wanted to call me in school, because my name was "different" and Laura was more familiar (or Leona, sometimes!)
Light is what I try to capture in my watercolors, and use to say something special
Legionnaires, I used to want to run away and joing the Foreign Legion... why do they wear those funny hats? and, do all camels spit? maybe I won't join, after all.
Little details can make all the difference
Latin, I studied one year of it in high school, and really enjoyed it, especially the times the teacher let me go off to the park by the Rogue River, to read a book
Lowlands and Highlands, someday I want to see Scotland
Lancre is a really interesting Terry Pratchett place I often visit
the Lottery - a short story that really affected me in school, helped me to understand people better than I did
Lyrics of songs are poetry, and I love to sing a song with beautiful lyrics
Lentil bean soup - my soups are slightly famous
Larkspur - a flower for July, my birth month
Loser is a label I don't really understand... nobody "wins" all the time, and when you win, what does that really mean? I'd rather be a consistent "B+" than an "A" in only one area
Lime tree in my front yard has beautiful ripe fruit right now, so wonderful to cook with
Lemonade especially Pink, is a favorite for Summertime!
Limberness, something I've always taken for granted, which is slowly deserting me. I do stretches to try to keep it (hatha yoga style).
Long Beach, CA is one of the closest beaches to where I live, and I enjoy going there
Love, that's the big one, all we need is Love, right?
So many L's so much time... I guess I should break down and post this, right? B*B, Ysabeau