Creativity, create, creative, creating, verb "to create", noun "creation" - a big word in my world
IthinkI Can, IthinkI Can, IthinkI Can - IknewI Could!
Car, very important in this area with very little public transportation
Cartoons, I confess, I do watch them, from classics from Disney and Warner Bros., to Corneil & Bernie, about a talking dog, and the Tick, Kaput & Zosky, and my personal fav, Pinky and the Brain - but can't seem to get interested in Anime
Conte crayons, I've been struggling to draw with them
Charcoal, messy and fun, but I can't seem to get the lovely results some of my friends get, mine are dark and streaky
Carol Duval, a guilty pleasure, still resisting polymer clay, though!
Coffee, my favorite indulgence, even more than
Chocolate, but it's a close race! Chocolate coffee? Coffee chocolate? yum!
Color, maybe my very favorite thing in the world to play with. Color is my friend.
Cooking, I like to combine creativity and cooking, and see what results!
Chili, I make absolutely killer chili, fresh ingredients, and it's even healthy
Coral, symbolizes fertility, including creative fertility, and I love to wear it combined with shell for nurturing and protection, and the sea, or turquoise, a traditional native combination
Chant, talking and singing... The ocean is the beginning of the earth, all life comes from the sea...
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