Friday, May 19, 2006

E is for...

Exhausted - with art classes winding up for the Summer, both bathrooms torn up and contractors bopping in and out of the house, having to take time away from the house to avoid noises, dust, chemical smells, and to take a shower... then trying to figure out what we can or can't do about our old roof, cost, practicality, and my dh being really unhappy which I hate, picking up some of the stuff to be installed... - I'm wiped out.
Enthusiastic - I'm low on enthusiasm just right now, but usually I have lots to be enthusiastic about, art, gardening, quilting...
Erg - a unit of energy, which I am out of
Encaustic - an art medium I keep hearing about but haven't tried yet, I'm getting a little curious
Essence - part of staying focused is to remember to see the essence of what is going on
Entice - Spending the day painting near the ocean is beginning to entice me (see Escape!)
Ergonomics - I want my dh's desk to have better ergonomics, and I have to remember to be careful with my painting, quilting, and reaching so I don't hurt myself as often
Eagle - I was gifted with three "properly obtained" eagle feathers by my first teacher Pushnataha, a Lakota. Properly obtained = snatched from the live bird, at 96 he still had the scars from the birds. Do not try this at home.
Entertainment - Making things, learning, books, music, nature, movies
Esthetics - with Libra rising, I can talk about color for waaaaay too long. Most people find this unappealing, but I try to be good. Watercolor is a great outlet for this problem for me because I can mix and layer to my heart's content
Enchanted - I have always been a person who enjoyed fantasy, stories about enchantment and beauty and hope, and I see my everyday world as enchanted in a real way, with beauty in little things and new discoveries everywhere
Evergreen - living in Southern Oregon part of my childhood, I love the scent of the forests, nothing like wet evergreens
Eager - I try to stay eager to learn new things, never too jaded to try something new
End - this is the end, I'm wandering around
B*B, Ysabeau

1 comment:

  1. Eeep! You;re up to E already! I've just finished D, I think.. time to get on the stick!
