Monday, May 29, 2006

I really love colors

I have had some watercolors that I started in class, and after I started most of them, some paints I ordered from Daniel Smith in Washington state arrived. I've been finishing them a bit at a time using the new color, and having so much fun with them, since the vivid colors really bring out more of what I wanted to express. It is so nice to have really wonderful fresh colors to draw on for glazing and layering. I experimented with doing some life drawing with them, and I think I can really grow by using what I have bought, in new ways, for me.

There will be contractors here again working on the house on Tuesday, and roofers starting to strip the shingles off the roof Wednesday, so it will be pretty much impossible to work here on anything. I'll be looking for safe and relatively comfortable places to spend the rest of the week, complicated with needing to take my somewhat traumatized service dog with me, and stay close enough to be available as the contractors call me with questions and requests. I am so grateful for the long weekend, because I've been so tired and stressed because this has been going on for almost three weeks, or forever.

I just want to be someplace with a bathroom available, safe from excess sunburn or windiness, ok to bring the dog and have her relatively comfortable, and me relatively comfortable, within fifteen minutes of the house, preferably selling coffee for me! This has been harder to arrange than one might think. I've been wishing I could just curl up somewhere safe, and hide out. B*B, Ysabeau


  1. What a sweet puppy!!!!

  2. I hope things have gotten better -- I know how disturbing it is when there are contractors traipsing in and out of the house. My furbabies were freaked out, but I don't depend on them to be sane, like you do your dog. I'm so anxious to see your oils. You're so talented with the watercolors and oils have so much versatility in some ways because they stay wet so much longer (I tried a few years ago but am not at all talented at the basic drawing, so..)
    Hugs to you.
